Licola History
There is nowhere with a history quite like Licola!
Before the town of Licola emerged the area was known as "Hunter's Country" and the first white men to explore it were two Scotsmen by the names of Malcolm MacFarlane and William Pearson.
MacFarlane took out the license for Glenfalloch station in 1847 and along with his overseer who lived on the station in a slab and bark hut, was the first man to run cattle on Mount Wellington.
Paving the way to Licola...
Gradually Crown Land was opened up for selection and many families came to build a life for themselves throughout the hills and valleys. The construction of the Licola road in approximately 1907 encouraged more selectors.
The first Licola Post Office was opened in 1908 and was renamed Glenfalloch in 1912, mail was delivered via pony and jinker. The Licola road was finally widened in the 1930's and then further improved and bitumened during the 1950's.
Cattle and Timber...
Licola was the point at which cattlemen drove their stock into the high country for summer grazing. Cattle thrived in the high altitude, crisp air and the abundance of clean mountain water.
Licola was also the site of the timber mill. Saxton's Timber Company purchased 30 acres of Glenfalloch land beside the river in 1949 and logged tall native Eucalypt and Alpine Ash from 1950 until it closed in the mid 196o's.
Lions provide new life for Licola...
In 1965 Licola was purchased by the Lions Club of Victoria entirely, land, houses and infrastructure. The timber mill was converted into a youth camp focusing on adventure activities, this camp is known today as the Lions Wilderness Village and thrives on the same focus of learning through discovery, enjoyment and adventure.
Licola was and always will be a place for those with a love of the great outdoors and the stunning high country which surrounds it.
Fun facts
Licola generates it's own power and treats it's own waste for the entire town.
Wonnangatta Station Murder Mystery, for information visit
Film "Gippsland Township"
"Bald Hills to Bundalaguah" produced by Maffra & District Historical Society
Local Knowledge
Heyfield & District Historical Society
Linda Barraclough